
Know The Pain of Joint Pain That Does Not Sting

The joint pain medication does not have to cause a sore sensation. Some people often use a balm, gel, or a painkiller cream that contains capsaicin to ease the pain of the joint. In fact, a cream or gel containing diclofenac sodium is actually more appropriate to be used to treat joint pain without giving a sensation of pain.

Joints are the medium of interconnecting bones. The joints that are in your body, provide support and help you to move. Damage to the joint caused by illness or injury, apparently can disrupt your movement and also cause pain.

Know The Pain of Joint Pain That Does Not Sting

Causes of Joint Pain

Some conditions that can cause joint pain, namely: osteoarthritis, injuries such as fractures, sprains, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, to viral infections. Excessive activity such as standing too long, jumping, and lifting weights too heavy can also cause joint pain.

Treatment of Joint Pain

Treatment of joint pain is adjusted to the underlying cause. For home treatment can be done cold compress, rest, and also drugs to overcome the pain and inflammation. You can try using topical medicines to treat pain such as diclofenac gel sodium that can be bought free without a doctor's prescription.

Comparison of Sodium Diclofenac and Capsaicin

Some people prefer to use a cream or gel containing diclofenac sodium or capsaicin to relieve the joint pain experienced. But both types of drugs have different ways of working. Here is an explanation of the two joint pain medications:

Diclofenac sodium
Diclofenac is a class of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that can treat joint pain. This drug works to relieve inflammation and reduce substances in the body that cause pain without causing a spicy or sore sensation. This diclofenac sodium gel is commonly used to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis in certain joints, such as the knee, ankle, leg, elbow, wrist, and hand area. If joint pain is felt in many parts of the body, can be used oral diclofenac sodium or tablets. In addition to working as an antinyeri and inflammatory, NSAIDs such as diclofenac sodium also have another effect of fever reliever. However, this drug should not be used in patients with heart disease.

Capsaicin is an active ingredient in chili that creates a spicy flavor. This active ingredient is used in topical medications such as creams and lotions to relieve muscle aches or joint pains. Creams containing capsaicin if applied to the body will cause a sore sensation that activates certain nerve cells. The use of a cream containing this active ingredient to treat joint pain is not recommended if: there is an allergy to chili or capsaicin topical, used in children, and there are open sores or irritated skin. You are advised to wash the area of ​​skin that is applied to this medicine, if burning or spicy sensations cause discomfort or make your skin redness. Immediately clean with clean water when capsaicin exposed to mucosa such as: eyes, mouth, or nose.

Probably joint pain medication containing capsaicin and diclofenac sodium is similar, which can treat joint pain you experience. But the reality is not. The joint pain medication that contains capsaicin apparently only diverts the joint pain experienced, so the pain seems to be reduced. But capsaicin does not overcome the actual inflammation that is the main cause of pain. While diclofenac sodium can indeed overcome the problem of joint pain without causing pain in the area of ​​the body applied to the drug.

This makes diclofenac sodium better used to treat joint pain. In addition, the study also revealed that a cream or gel containing diclofenac sodium is more effective and powerful to treat osteoarthritis in the knee.

If the pain is still happening after trying the above, especially if you have a fever, pain persisted for more than 3 days, decreased body weight, or pain and swelling joints for no apparent reason, then immediately go to the doctor.

Know The Pain of Joint Pain That Does Not Sting