Menjelang akhir tahun pasti semua tiket darat dan udara sudah ludes terjual . Namun kenyataannya tidak sedikit orang yang justru as...
5 Negara terbaik Untuk Dikunjungi di tahun 2019

5 Negara terbaik Untuk Dikunjungi di tahun 2019

Indonesia JareneSih

Menjelang akhir tahun pasti semua tiket darat dan udara sudah ludes terjual. Namun kenyataannya tidak sedikit orang yang justru asik merencanakan kegiatan sekaligus mencari lokasi wisata di tahun depan.

Hal ini mungkin terdengar janggal namun cukup masuk akal, khususnya bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki hasrat merayakan momen pergantian tahun di tempat wisata.

Mengutip CNN Indonesia berikut adalah negara terbaik untuk dikunjungi di tahun 2019

1. Indonesia

Indonesia juga memiliki ragam destinasi wisata yang belum banyak menerima kunjungan. Danau Kaco di Jambi, Pantai Kanawa di Flores, Pulau Breueh di Aceh, dan Kalibiru di Papua Barat adalah objek wisata yang mampu menyegarkan.

 2. Zimbabwe

Air Terjun Victoria adalah salah satu objek wisata populer di Zimbabwe. Berbagai kegiatan menantang seperti flying fox hingga bungee jumping tersedia di sini.

3. Panama

Panama mungkin masih belum banyak dikenal wisatawan, padahal ragam wisata yang dimiliki tak kalah dengan tujuan wisata lain. Menikmati wisata bahari ke Kepulauan San Blas, pemandian air panas di Baru Volcano hingga panjat tebing di dataran tinggi Boquete bisa dijadikan kegiatan wisata ketika di Panama.

4. Belarus

Kekentalan seni dan banyaknya kafe-kafe unik dengan sentuhan tahun 90-an menjadi daya tarik andalan Belarus

5. Sri Lanka

Hampir semua aspek wisata ditawarkan oleh Sri Lanka, mulai dari budaya, spiritual, alam yang hijau, hingga ombak menantang untuk berselancar.
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Tips Aman Beli Properti Biar Nggak Kayak Meikarta

Tips Aman Beli Properti Biar Nggak Kayak Meikarta

Tips Aman Beli Properti Biar Nggak Kayak Meikarta
Setelah promosi yang gencar menarik pembeli, Meikarta kembali menjadi pusat perhatian karena kasus suap yang terendus KPK. Kini, nasib lebih dari 100 ribu pemilik unit apartemen yang sudah membeli di Meikarta masih belum jelas

Tak dimungkiri, harga murah memang jadi satu hal yang menggiurkan bagi calon pembeli. Namun agar tak tertipu karena nasib properti baik rumah ataupun apartemen yang tak jelas, ada beberapa tips yang bisa diterapkan sebelum membeli properti seperti yang dikutip dari CNN Indonesia berikut.

1. Periksa perizinan

Perencana Keuangan Finansia Consulting Eko Endarto menyarankan para pembeli memeriksa terlebih dahulu izin yang sudah diberikan pada proyek properti tersebut. Izin ini dapat dicermati dengan melihat izin peruntukan lahan.

Izin itu sebenarnya bisa diminta langsung kepada pengembang proyek. Namun, praktik di lapangan sering kali izin itu disembunyikan. 

"Ini penting sekali, izin ini yang membuat bangunan boleh berdiri. Tapi, kan kadang ditutup-tutupi. Izin ini juga bisa dicek di Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) dan juga Dinas Tata Kota di daerah tersebut," kata Eko.

2. Cek pengembang

Selain izin, rekam jejak pengembang juga mesti dicermati. Eko menyarankan untuk mencari tahu proyek-proyek yang pernah dikerjakan oleh pengembang termasuk kasus-kasus yang menyeretnya. 

Jika pernah memiliki rekam jejak yang buruk karena ada masalah izin lahan ataupun masalah lain, pikirkan ulang untuk membeli properti tersebut. Namun, daftar bersih pengembang juga tetap patut dicek. Jangan hanya karena si pengembang tak punya cacat, Anda jadi lengah dan tak mengeceknya

3. Cek kondisi fisik

Periksa kembali kondisi fisik properti yang hendak dibeli. Pasalnya, pengembang baru boleh menjual proyeknya jika bangunan sudah dibangun melebih 30 persen. Bank juga baru dapat memberikan kredit pinjaman jika bangunan sudah dibangun 30 persen.

Hanya saja, kebanyakan pengembangan dan bank sering kali melanggar aturan ini

4. Curiga promosi dan harga murah

Harga murah dan bonus yang diberikan oleh pengembang ketika membeli sebenarnya merupakan keuntungan bagi pembeli. Hanya saja, jangan lengah terhadap diskon besar yang diiming-imingi pengembang. 

Eko meminta pembeli untuk waspada jika ada promosi dan bonus yang diberikan terlampau besar. Menurutnya, itu ciri-ciri perusahan tak laku.

"Harus hati-hati karena bonus besar itu ciri perusahaan kesulitan menjual produknya. Bonus besar berarti risikonya juga besar, jadi harus curiga," ucap 

5. Sesuaikan dengan kondisi

Sebelum membeli properti, Eko menyarankan untuk menyesuaikan kondisi properti dengan keadaan pembeli. Mulai dari lokasi yang sesuai hingga harga yang pas.

Eko menyebut jika berutang sebaiknya cicilan tidak melebihi dari 30 persen total penghasilan.

"Supaya tidak mengganggu pengeluaran dan kebutuhan kita," ujar Eko.
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4 Ways to Minimize Calves Naturally and Operations

4 Ways to Minimize Calves Naturally and Operations

Many women are willing to do anything in order to get the perfect appearance, one of them is by having a level leg with a level calf.

According to women, having a large calf will look disproportionate, so they look for various ways to shrink the calf in a short time, 1 month, 1 week or 2 days. There are even some women who want to shrink calves without exercise and instant (surgery).

Actually the calf consists of the soleus muscle and also the gastrocnemius bib. There are several things that can form a calf. You become big, for example fat accumulation in the legs, genetic factors, or too often exercise with heavy portions so that it increases muscle mass in the legs.

If you feel uncomfortable having a large calf then you can shrink it by natural means or by surgery.

How to shrink the calf naturally

With a mild exercise coupled with the right diet, and not excessive, you can form the calf that you dream of.

Below is a way to form a dream calf that you can do:


By jogging You can burn fat in the legs especially the calf. But if you run not only burn fat on the calf but also make the calf muscular and become large.

You are advised to jog around 30-60 minutes, with a duration of about half to one hour jogging, you can burn fat in the legs, so you can reduce muscle mass in your calves and thighs.


If you swim regularly, not only shrink the calves, you can slowly make all parts of your body more proportional and can also improve the cardiorespiratory system.


You can shrink your calves by cycling, but remember cycling with ease. If you cycle excessively your calves will actually get bigger.


Stretching movements can actually make the calf slim, so as much as possible every morning you stretch with movements such as pilates or yoga.

Shrinking muscles with exercise is limited, because muscle mass also affects a person's genetics. But even so there is nothing wrong You shrink calves with exercise because with exercise You can burn fat in the calf and increase muscle flexibility.

How to shrink the calf surgically

If you want a more instant way, you can do surgery to shrink the calf. But before you decide on surgery, you should look for information about the calf wasting operation and consult a doctor.

This calf reduction operation is not by cutting the calf muscle to look slimmer, but by cutting the calf nerve on the back of the knee fold, after cutting the calf muscle will wither.

By way of operating shrink the calf You get a profit;

  • The damage caused by surgery is small
  • Fast healing process
  • Calves become lean quickly

But remember every surgical procedure is always at risk and has side effects. Therefore consult with a doctor what you prepare or do before surgery and after calf reduction surgery.

 If you want a slim calf, it's a good idea to choose a natural method, even if it takes a long time, discipline, and requires patience. But after succeeding you don't have side effects.
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Tricks Drink Lemon Water to Shrink Belly Stomach

Tricks Drink Lemon Water to Shrink Belly Stomach

Tricks Drink Lemon Water to Shrink Belly Stomach

Lemon water can lose weight. This has been trusted by many people. But in fact, to get the desired results, there are special rules that must be executed, especially to shrink the belly.

Indeed excessive abdominal fat, especially visceral fat is not good for the body. Quoted from boldsky.com, if not immediately addressed, this fat can trigger various dangerous diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, sleep disorders, diabetes, depression, and even sexual dysfunction. Wow, really horror right?

Excess abdominal fat is characterized by a distended stomach should be addressed immediately. One of them by setting a healthy diet, like drinking regular lemon water. Drinking lemon water is one easy way to shrink the distended abdomen. Indeed the results are not instant, but could be one effective way to maintain a healthy body.

To get maximum results, lemon juice needs to be taken in the morning with the stomach still empty. Yep, you did not read wrong. As long as you do not have a problem or stomach upset, drinking a glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice in the morning can be a healthy way to shrink the belly.

Lemon fruit not only contains vitamin C, but also can help improve the digestive system as well as help the liver function. To burn excess abdominal fat, the main key is the digestive system and our hearts should be in good health.

Lemon fruit rich in fiber, fat-free, low sodium and low cholesterol was considered very appropriate to help you lose weight and shrink the belly. Eating lemon can also help the body remove toxins and maintain hormone balance.

Drink in the Morning

Mornings are a great time to drink lemon juice. Why? Because when the body has not consumed anything, the body can do the detoxification process by drinking lemon juice dissolved in warm water. Work and liver function can be lighter and can optimize the process of weight loss.

When lemon juice and warm water are consumed together, the body's metabolism will increase. The effect will also help to control appetite better. Excess fat can be broken down with more optimal again.

Definitely do not forget to keep up with the consumption of healthy food and regular exercise, yes ladies. To have a healthy body, there must be a business done every day.
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4 Most Risk Position Sex Creates a Penis

4 Most Risk Position Sex Creates a Penis

Injuries during sex tend to occur when you are too eager to do so. Usually, however, injuries arise from footholds or other means of support, such as tables or toilets that are not solid. Not because of the complicated position.

This was revealed by Debby Herbenick, a research scientist at Indiana University and author of Great in Bed, citing research from Maryland University. Even so, it turns out that some of the most dangerous sex positions are very likely to result in injuries, such as a broken penis. As:

Eager Chef

Most cases of penile fracture (penis fracture) occur due to very strong sex, explains Justin Lehmiller, teacher of sexuality and human psychology at Harvard University.

If you have sex with a partner on the table, the risk of increased sex injury. Sex standing position will make the penis hit the pubic bone, quoted from Men's Health,

Over-Exuberant Swiss Ball Blitz

Over-Exuberant Swiss Ball Blitz is when swing when penetration is done fast and bobbing like a ball.

Injuries will occur more often when the penis entirely exits from the vagina and then can not be penetrated properly, according to Herbenick. This happens because there is too much encouragement, which can cause the penis to slip out.

When slipped, the penis can hit the bone of the vagina, resulting in fracture.

Pogo Stlck

This sex position is like a missionary while standing. The woman will be picked up by her partner, so all the weight is resting on the man's legs.

In this sex position, you hold all the weight. This is very risky cause causes back pain, says Herbenick. Not to mention you can fall if not well grounded.

Cowgirl + Lean Back

This sex position makes the erect penis hyperextension - pressure down so it can make the penis broken, according to research from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

Over time, hyperextension can cause Peyronie's disease-a buildup of plaque that makes the penis bend during erections. This can make sex impossible.

If you feel there is a small crack near the base of the penis, the angle of the sex position means a bit too extreme. Ask him to lean forward.

Reverse cowgirl, lean forward, butter churner, and spider also create a downward pressure sensation.

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Want The Little In Love On The Book? Let's Know How Here

Want The Little In Love On The Book? Let's Know How Here

The Little In Love On The Book
The Little In Love On The Book
If Mother longs for Little Person to fall in love with the book, one way that can be done is to read a book to him. Mother and Father can start reading the book, even since it was very early.

Here's a guide to reading the book for the Little according to age.

There is no limit when the Little Start can be read books, ever since in the womb. This can make the Little Person recognize the voice of Mother since in the womb.

Various Benefits of Reading Books

There are various benefits of reading books for children, such as tightening bonding or bonding babies and parents.

In addition, this habit can also increase the intelligence of the child's brain, because the child so has a vocabulary that is much more than the other children who are not read books.

Various other benefits that can be obtained from the habit of reading a book to the Little Person, including:

  • Develop a response, which can be demonstrated by the sound it emits or through the movement of the foot and hand. This is a sign he can see and hear the surrounding environment.
  • Introducing Emotions to Little.
  • Show him that reading is a fun activity. It will carry on until he grows up.

Age-Guided Guide

Introduce the book and read the story for Little, you should do according to the level of his age.

Age 0-6 months
The ability to see babies at this age is still undeveloped. Mother can select a book with lots of color images and little text or no text at all.

Usually, babies are more enthusiastic to see an interesting image than writing. Some special books for babies are usually equipped with knick-knacks that allow them to participate while reading, such as opening windows on books, mirrors, or hand puppets.

Although Little cannot understand the words that come out of your mouth, he can know the tone and intonation of your voice.

Age 7 - 12 months
After the age of infants 6 months or more, usually Little has begun to understand some words that you read the book, such as names and objects that exist in everyday life.

When reading a book for him, show also the sound with various intonation, facial expression according to the story, and the hand as a tool.

Baby at this age tends to want to touch the book or goods that are nearby. Do not choose books that can hurt him, you can choose books made of fabric or foam to make it safer when he holds it.

Age 13 - 18 months
In this age group, Little One can be introduced to books that have one or two sentences on the pages of his book. However, of course still equipped with interesting images.

You also do not need to follow the sentence that is in the book properly, can be interspersed with improvisation.

Pause for a moment to ask and comment on the picture on the book, even though Little Person has not been able to respond.

Whilereading also you can make a sound with different intonation and according to the picture or character that is in the book, like animal voice, car, and other sounds.

Also, invite your child to participate by following your voice.

Age 19 - 24 months
When the reading routine is used to do, Little Starts familiar with the book even he will ask the same book over and over again.

 The process of repetition like this also has a good benefit for him to remember new vocabulary.

In reading a book for the Little do with a loud and audible voice, this is done to teach him about the meaning of communication, introducing concepts such as numbers, letters, colors and shapes with fun.

It can also develop skills for listening, remembering, and adding vocabulary.

Babies at this age tend to want to touch a book or stuff that is nearby. Do not choose books that can hurt him, you can choose books made of fabric or foam to make it safer when he holds it.

Mother and Dad, please take your time to read the book for Little One every day.

Routines like this will make the Little Love books, as well as provide various other benefits. No less important is to enjoy togetherness with the Little when reading a book.

Happy reading!
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This Various Benefits of Milk as a Child Nutrition

This Various Benefits of Milk as a Child Nutrition

Milk as a Child Nutrition
Benefits of Milk as a Child Nutrition
Milk is a highly nutritious intake, generally obtained from cow's milk. The composition of milk nutrition is very complex and contains various nutrients needed by the body, especially children in its infancy.

From birth, children are encouraged to get milk intake, starting from breast milk that contains many nutrients and body resistance, to the introduction of whole milk type or whole milk that usually consumed from age 1-2 years.

Because fat in milk is needed for brain development of children.

Nutrition In Milk

In infancy, children must be given food intake with balanced nutrition. Equipping it with milking is also suggested by experts. It aims to maintain the child's immune system and help the process of growing up.

Research shows that milk is beneficial in bone formation for the long term because milk is rich in calcium. Milk also provides carbohydrates as a source of energy that children need for their activities throughout the day.

In addition, there are several other nutrients contained in milk, among others:

Milk is one of the best sources of high-quality protein for growth and health. Type of protein is protein casein and whey. Casein protein is useful in improving mineral absorption, such as calcium and phosphorus, while whey protein is excellent for muscle growth and maintenance.

Milk fat
Milk fat is one of the most complex natural fats. In children, fat from milk helps grow flowers. Give the child milk as needed to support the child's growth without increasing the risk of obesity.

Vitamins and Minerals
Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Among these are vitamin B12, calcium, riboflavin, and phosphorus. In addition, most dairy products are also enriched with a variety of other vitamins, including vitamins A and D.

Things to Look For in Giving Milk to Children

To support optimal growth, milk is an essential nutritional supplement for children. However, the amount of milk given should be adjusted to the age of the child, namely:

  • Approximately 480 ml or 2 cups of milk per day, for children aged 2 -3 years.
  • About 600 ml or about 2-3 cups per day, for children aged 4-8 years.
  • Approximately 720 ml or about 3 cups per day, for children aged 9 years and over.

There are various types of milk in the market based on the production process, including UHT (ultra high temperature) milk.

We recommend selecting fresh UHT milk with a long expiration date. Research shows, the closer to the date expired then the risk of milk has higher contamination.

The expiration period of milk can be ascertained through the label listed on the packaging.

In addition, generally on the packaging, there is also a label that gives information on the nutritional value contained in milk.

It is advisable to pay attention to the packaging of milk to be purchased, make sure it is made of a safe and intact material, this will help keep the milk quality in the packaging to keep it good and not easily exposed to air or dirt from around.

Note also the taste of milk drunk by the child. Unlike white milk, chocolate milk generally contains extra sugar. Each cup of chocolate milk, there is an additional sugar of about three teaspoons. Adjust the portion of sugar in children not exceeding 8 teaspoons per day.

In addition, note the salt content in milk. Do not add salt to milk for children to get a taste of savory milk. Salt intake in children should also be adjusted to the number of daily needs, and usually, salt is also obtained from food.

Adding salt to milk can cause salt intake in children to be excessive and can add thirst and hunger, thus increasing the risk of excess weight in children.

Give milk to the child as a nutritional supplement, according to the recommended portion. Choose milk with a guaranteed process of freshness and the taste of real milk.
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Causes Legs X And ​​How To Cope

Causes Legs X And ​​How To Cope

Causes Legs X And ​​How To Cope
Legs X 
In the medical world, leg x is known as genu valgum or knock-knee. This condition is a deformity of both limbs in which both knees touch or almost touch, even when the condition of your legs apart.

Feet X often occurs in children, but this condition can also be found in adults. This situation cannot be prevented, but the impact can be minimized In addition to surgery, physiotherapy, and exercise is often an alternative way to overcome the foot X.

Causes of Foot Feeling X

X-legs are often experienced by small children and are generally seen most clearly when the child is 4 years old. This condition is almost always a normal part of growing children. 

Usually, both legs of the child will be straight or normal again at the age of six or seven years. 

However, in genu valgum, the condition of the X foot continues into adulthood. The distance between the ankle to the other on someone with an X foot, about 8 cm or more.

There are several things that are suspected to be the cause of foot X, among them:
  • Genetic disorders that affect bone or joint development.
  • Rickets disease is a bone disorder due to vitamin D deficiency and calcium.
  • In adults, X feet can be caused by the effects of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis that can affect the joints.
  • Have an injury to the knee, leg, or shin bone.
  • Bone infection or osteomyelitis.
  • Be overweight or obese.

Leg Treatment X

X feet can cause some symptoms, ie joints become stiff, sore at the knees, and limp when walking. This X leg can cause difficulty when walking and cause pain due to muscle and bone tension.

After performing the examination, the doctor will determine treatment for an X foot problem depending on the cause and severity experienced. Among them:
  • For X feet caused by rickets, doctors will provide vitamin D and calcium supplements. In addition, the doctor may also give anti-pain medication if the pain feels heavy.
  • For adults with arthritis, they can use special tools to reduce strain on the knee.
  • If the condition of the legs X severe to interfere with the activity, it will often require surgery. So far, the highest success rate of X foot treatment is with surgical procedures, although this procedure also has risks.

In addition, there are several other ways of treating the legs of X, among them:

Lose weight

Obesity can increase the pressure on your knees and aggravate the condition of the foot X. If you are obese or just overweight, your doctor will help plan your diet and exercise program to lose weight.


For most people with an X foot condition, exercise is believed to help stabilize the knee. Usually, your doctor or physiotherapist will suggest exercise or exercise designed to strengthen the leg muscles, hips, and thighs. Special stretching may also be useful for relieving symptoms.

Using the clasp or splint tool

If your feet are not the same length, maybe adding soles on shoes is necessary. It aims to equalize leg length and help improve your gait. In addition, for children aged 8 years who still have the shape of the foot X, it is advisable to use a tool clamp or splint to help bone growth.

The condition of the X foot due to congenital abnormalities cannot be prevented, but with proper handling, the effect can be minimized. Therefore, if there is an X foot shape along with other symptoms, you are advised to consult a doctor.
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