
Causes Legs X And ​​How To Cope

Causes Legs X And ​​How To Cope
Legs X 
In the medical world, leg x is known as genu valgum or knock-knee. This condition is a deformity of both limbs in which both knees touch or almost touch, even when the condition of your legs apart.

Feet X often occurs in children, but this condition can also be found in adults. This situation cannot be prevented, but the impact can be minimized In addition to surgery, physiotherapy, and exercise is often an alternative way to overcome the foot X.

Causes of Foot Feeling X

X-legs are often experienced by small children and are generally seen most clearly when the child is 4 years old. This condition is almost always a normal part of growing children. 

Usually, both legs of the child will be straight or normal again at the age of six or seven years. 

However, in genu valgum, the condition of the X foot continues into adulthood. The distance between the ankle to the other on someone with an X foot, about 8 cm or more.

There are several things that are suspected to be the cause of foot X, among them:
  • Genetic disorders that affect bone or joint development.
  • Rickets disease is a bone disorder due to vitamin D deficiency and calcium.
  • In adults, X feet can be caused by the effects of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis that can affect the joints.
  • Have an injury to the knee, leg, or shin bone.
  • Bone infection or osteomyelitis.
  • Be overweight or obese.

Leg Treatment X

X feet can cause some symptoms, ie joints become stiff, sore at the knees, and limp when walking. This X leg can cause difficulty when walking and cause pain due to muscle and bone tension.

After performing the examination, the doctor will determine treatment for an X foot problem depending on the cause and severity experienced. Among them:
  • For X feet caused by rickets, doctors will provide vitamin D and calcium supplements. In addition, the doctor may also give anti-pain medication if the pain feels heavy.
  • For adults with arthritis, they can use special tools to reduce strain on the knee.
  • If the condition of the legs X severe to interfere with the activity, it will often require surgery. So far, the highest success rate of X foot treatment is with surgical procedures, although this procedure also has risks.

In addition, there are several other ways of treating the legs of X, among them:

Lose weight

Obesity can increase the pressure on your knees and aggravate the condition of the foot X. If you are obese or just overweight, your doctor will help plan your diet and exercise program to lose weight.


For most people with an X foot condition, exercise is believed to help stabilize the knee. Usually, your doctor or physiotherapist will suggest exercise or exercise designed to strengthen the leg muscles, hips, and thighs. Special stretching may also be useful for relieving symptoms.

Using the clasp or splint tool

If your feet are not the same length, maybe adding soles on shoes is necessary. It aims to equalize leg length and help improve your gait. In addition, for children aged 8 years who still have the shape of the foot X, it is advisable to use a tool clamp or splint to help bone growth.

The condition of the X foot due to congenital abnormalities cannot be prevented, but with proper handling, the effect can be minimized. Therefore, if there is an X foot shape along with other symptoms, you are advised to consult a doctor.

Causes Legs X And ​​How To Cope